Homemade DIY Cough Tea: A Healing Elixir

Homemade DIY Cough Tea

As the seasons change, coughs and colds can become an unwelcome companion. Instead of reaching for over-the-counter remedies, consider creating your own homemade DIY cough tea. Packed with natural ingredients renowned for their soothing properties, this homemade concoction is not only effective but also a comforting ritual to ease those scratchy throats and nagging coughs. 🫖🤧

Let’s delve into the ingredients and simple instructions to prepare your healing elixir.

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1. Ginger:

  • Ginger is a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It helps soothe sore throats and alleviate coughs.

2. Honey:

  • Known for its natural sweetness, honey also possesses antimicrobial properties. It coats the throat, providing relief and suppressing coughs.

3. Lemon:

  • Rich in vitamin C, lemon helps boost the immune system. Its citrusy flavour adds a refreshing twist to the tea while providing relief to a scratchy throat.

4. Cinnamon:

  • Cinnamon is not only aromatic but also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It adds a comforting warmth to the tea.

5. Chamomile Tea Bags:

  • Chamomile is known for its calming effects. It helps relax the muscles, including those in the throat, and may ease coughing.

6. Peppermint Leaves (optional):

  • Peppermint is often used to alleviate respiratory issues. Its menthol component can provide a cooling sensation and help with decongestion.

7. Cloves (optional):

  • Cloves have natural analgesic properties. Adding a couple to your tea can contribute to throat pain relief.

Homemade DIY Cough Tea Instructions:

Homemade DIY Cough Tea-ingredients

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

Gather the ginger, honey, lemon, cinnamon, chamomile tea bags, peppermint leaves (if using), and cloves (if using).

Step 2: Prepare the Ginger

  • Peel and thinly slice about one tablespoon of fresh ginger. Alternatively, you can use ginger slices or ginger powder.

Step 3: Boil Water

  • Bring about two cups of water to a boil in a pot.

Step 4: Add Ginger and Cinnamon

  • Once the water is boiling, add the sliced ginger and a pinch of cinnamon to the pot.

Step 5: Steep Chamomile Tea Bags

  • Add two chamomile tea bags to the pot. Allow them to steep for about 5-7 minutes, depending on your desired strength.

Step 6: Squeeze Lemon and Add Honey

  • After removing the pot from heat, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the tea. Add honey to taste, usually about one to two tablespoons.

Step 7: Optional Additions

  • If desired, add a handful of peppermint leaves and a couple of cloves for additional flavor and soothing properties.

Step 8: Strain and Serve

  • Strain the tea to remove the ginger slices, chamomile tea bags, and any other solid ingredients. Pour the strained tea into your favorite mug.

Step 9: Enjoy and Relax

  • Sip your DIY cough tea slowly, allowing the comforting warmth and healing properties to ease your throat. Enjoy the soothing sensation as you relax and let the natural remedies do their work.


  • Adjust the ingredients and their quantities based on personal preferences and taste.
  • If you have allergies or medical conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before trying new remedies.

Prepare this DIY cough tea whenever you feel the need for a natural, comforting solution to alleviate coughs and soothe your throat. Embrace the healing power of nature’s ingredients while enjoying the ritual of crafting your own wholesome elixir. 🌟

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