Lash Lift : What You Need to Know

Lash lift applied woman

In the ever-evolving realm of beauty treatments, one procedure is creating quite the buzz – the lash lift and tint. If you’ve always craved the captivating allure of long, curled lashes, but can’t handle the fuss of false ones or extensions, a lash lift might be just the solution you need.

Before you jump into it, let’s delve into what it is, whether it’s worth it, how long it lasts, how it affects your eyelashes, and if mascara can be used on a lash lift. 🎀

What Is a Lash Lift?

Fancy a quick foray into the wonderful world of lash lifts? Let’s unravel the enigma together. A lash lift is a simple yet effective beauty treatment that bestows your natural lashes with an enviable lift, volume, and curl. 🌟

Picture it as a ‘perm’ designed especially for your eyelashes. Intriguing, isn’t it? This non-surgical procedure utilises a silicone pad to gently lift your lashes, followed by a specialised solution to cement the curl. Imagine waking up to beautifully curled lashes every single day, almost as if by magic. That’s precisely the charm of a lash lift!

So, if you’ve been dreaming of eyelashes that seem to stretch on for miles without having to fiddle with extensions or falsies, a lash lift might just be your beauty game-changer.

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Are Lash Lifts Worth It?

The value of a lash lift truly lies in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the eyelash owner. So, let’s delve into the reasons that might make you consider it a beauty must-have. 👠

Firstly, if your heart yearns for that eye-opening effect of longer, voluminous lashes, but you find falsies or extensions more trouble than they’re worth, a lash lift could be your knight in shining armour.

Also, if you’re always against the clock in the mornings, lash lifts could be a blessing, giving you effortlessly curled lashes for weeks on end, without the daily battle with the eyelash curler.

Plus, if low maintenance is your beauty mantra, lash lifts fit the bill perfectly. Once done, you can splash, sweat and swim away, without fretting about your lashes losing their newfound curl.

So, depending on what you’re looking for, lash lifts could very well be worth every penny.

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How Long Does a Lash Lift Last?

Are you wondering how long you can enjoy the glamour of your lifted lashes? Well, like a dreamy summer romance, an lash lift usually lasts around 6 to 8 weeks. Intriguingly, this duration aligns with the natural growth cycle of your lashes.

So, what this means is that you can flaunt your perfectly curled lashes without a care in the world for a good two months before it’s time for a little retouch.

But remember, everyone is unique, and the lifespan of your lash lift may slightly differ based on your personal lash growth cycle. So, if you’re looking to be bewitched by the charm of beautifully curled lashes for weeks on end, a lash lift might just be your ticket to effortless beauty!

Do Lash Lifts Affect Your Eyelashes?

A common enquiry surrounding lash lifts is whether they wreak havoc on your natural lashes. To quell this concern – in the right hands, a lash lift does no such thing. Like any beauty treatment, the key is to entrust your lashes to a professional who knows their stuff.

Under the skilled care of an experienced technician, a lash lift shouldn’t inflict any harm on your lashes. To top it off, a little lash love goes a long way post-treatment.

Keep your lashes pristine and well-moisturised, and you’ll be batting those beautiful peepers without a worry in the world.

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Can You Put Mascara on a Lash Lift?

Absolutely, you can! Actually, mascara could be the cherry on top that makes your newly lifted lashes really pop.

However, a word of caution here – it’s advisable to give your lashes a breather for at least 24 hours after the lash lift procedure before you sweep on any mascara.

This pause allows your lashes to fully set post-lift and prevent any interference with the lash lift kit. Once the waiting period is over, feel free to highlight your enhanced lashes with your favourite mascara for that extra dash of drama.

So, yes, not only can you put mascara on a lash lift, but it can also serve as the perfect finish to truly accentuate those beautifully curled lashes.

Will a lash lift make your eyelashes appear fuller and thicker?

Absolutely! A lash lift has the incredible power to give your natural lashes the illusion of greater fullness and thickness. The process gently curls each lash upwards, exposing more of the lash and creating a broader lash line.

This clever optical trickery makes your lashes appear fuller and thicker without the use of extensions or falsies. Combine this with a touch of mascara post-lift, and you’re sure to have eyes that sparkle with a lush, captivating appeal.

It’s a simple and effective way to flaunt the lashes you’ve always dreamed of!

What is the average cost?

Prices for a lash lift can vary depending on your location and the salon you choose. However, on average, you can expect to pay between £45 and £70 for this beauty treatment in the UK. Whilst this may seem a little steep, remember that the results last up to eight weeks.

So, in terms of beauty investments, this could be one that’s truly worth it for a gorgeous, effortless look. It’s all about weighing up the costs and benefits to find what suits your beauty routine and budget best!

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Is getting a lash lift painful?

Absolutely not! The process is a pain-free beauty treatment. It involves applying a solution and a silicone pad to lift your lashes and tint, and the most you’ll feel is a bit of pressure and perhaps slight discomfort, nothing more.

Clients often find the process so relaxing that they doze off! It’s essential, however, to entrust your lashes to a skilled and experienced professional to ensure a comfortable and safe experience.

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